Mode Global Enhances Freight Pricing Strategy with

Jason Roberts, SVP- Enterprise Operations of MODE Global shares his experience implementing into their Pricing Strategy.

MODE chose to partner with earlier this year based on Greenscreens’ exceptional reputation as a game-changing technology pricing solution. With the goal of developing a digital freight brokerage product to differentiate MODE in the marketplace, MODE has already experienced efficiencies in processes and more accuracy in rate quotes.

While in the early stages, both and MODE Global expect big things from the partnership and are committed to raising the bar of service, productivity, and accuracy in the transportation industry.

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About Us offers a dynamic pricing infrastructure for the logistics industry that optimizes and enriches historical and real-time market data to predict buy rates and sell prices that are 2 - 3X more accurate than traditional pricing methods, empowering LSPs to increase profit per transaction and volume per rep. We were started in 2020 by a team of veterans who have collectively spent over 100 years in the supply chain industry.
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